Take 3 for the Sea

Graphic Design – Digital
Graphic Design – Print
Social Media
Photography & Videography
The project
Ridding Australia’s beaches of plastic, 3 pieces at a time, is the focus of this burgeoning organisation. Cyn was brought on to kickstart a new, nationwide campaign: Pick it up. Snap it. Share it – a data driven project, hurtling through social media, to raise much needed funds.
Tim Silverwood, Take 3 for the Sea
“Pickit up. Snap it. Share it” Campaign assets (graphics and copy). Social Media Management, Community management and Content creation. Media release and e-newsletter.
Graphic Design, Social media, e-direct marketing, Copywriting, Photography.
Our service
Cyn was approached by Tim to assist in the creation and implementation of new designs, content and branding for a new campaign to remove 300,000 pieces of plastic and metal marine debris from the oceans. The Pick It Up campaign was launched on Facebook and Instagram, and on the Take 3 website to draw attention to this distastrous global problem.
The Facebook campiagn now has over 1800 members since the launch in early 2017. Graphics such as banners, photography, iconography, square gifs and progress tally graphics designed by Cyn provide the style of the campaign and drive the conversion of spectators into participants in the project. The design and copywriting of the media release brings further participants into the fold.
Cyn also sits in the admin team across the social media channels and is known amongst the Facebook community as one of the leaders of the project.
Social Media Content

Facebook Page campaign management

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